Initial Submission Guidelines

▪ E-mail your abstract, full paper, panel proposal, etc. in Word format to the Conference Chair, Prof. Dr. N. Delener, at or

▪ Abstracts should be a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 2,000 words, and the full paper should be a maximum of 20 double-spaced pages including references and exhibits. The abstract must state an adequate summary of article`s content (i.e., objective(s), rationale, methodological rigor, and major contributions & implications). The more complete the paper, the better its chances of acceptance in the review process.

▪ Submissions should include as succinctly as possible:
  -A separate title page which clearly indicates the name(s) of the presenting author(s) and other co-author(s), affiliation(s), complete mailing address(es), telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address(es) and title of the paper
  -Track numbers (maximum of 2 per paper)
  -Up to four key words that describe the paper.

▪ The text of the full paper, abstract, or proposal must include the title, but should not include the name(s) of the author(s) as papers will be blind reviewed. Accepted papers have the option to be included in the double blind refereed Conference Readings Book (ISBN: 1-932917-20-9).

▪ Margins should be Normal (1” all around) and size should be Letter (8.5” x 11”)

▪ A conference registration applies to up to two manuscripts. After two manuscripts, a co-author would have to register for the conference as well.

▪ Submissions must not have been published, submitted or presented at other conferences.

▪ Special scheduling requests (dates or times) should be made at the time of manuscript submission.